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About RAS Contracting

Over 35 Years CONTRACTING to Civil companies, the CSG Industry and Agriculture

RAS Contracting (RAS) specialises in Earthmoving & Civil, Trucking and Transport, Land Rehabilitation works, Irrigation installation and Agricultural Contracting. We are a true local business with local staff based in Roma, Injune and Pittsworth servicing the Maranoa / Warrego, Western Downs, Darling Downs and Southern Qld regions.

RAS offers entities such as Small Business, Farmers, Regional Councils and the CSG sector a complete service from the initial consulting right through to the installation and construction of the project. RAS carries out this development with its own team of staff and modern equipment, and occasionally uses professional subcontractors to carry out specific specialist tasks.


The RAS Team

RAS directors Andrew & Renee Richardson have 35 years of experience in the civil, trucking and agricultural industries and in this time has been involved in a broad cross section of projects. RAS has also been involved with the CSG sector in the Surat basin for the last 17 years and has a good handle on what is required by the industry to get the job done safely and on time.

RAS staff have a wealth of experience and are constantly striving for improvement through experience and training. RAS staff have most inductions and qualifications required by the energy companies.

Our Safety Culture

RAS acknowledges the importance of the Workplace Health and Safety and requires that its employees, contractors and their employees perform their specific tasks in such a way that ensures the safety and well-being of all people in the work place, by providing safe plant and systems of work and managing health and safety at the work place in a diligent and responsible manner.

RAS as a contractor based service provider operating on land owned by third party organisations recognizes the need to ensure its contractors and employees comply with the Land Owners safety requirements and provide a safe workplace.

RAS is focused in providing excellent results in all projects through innovation and relationships with the businesses we are working with.